
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Project Review The Phantom 2040 PART CXXI [121st] Prop Design Sketches

The Ghost wood leaf was seen in about 20% of the series as this was the symbol for nature taking over the ultra-modern futuristic city from the ground up. It also represented the Phantom himself and he is from the Jungle, so the Leaf and the Ghost wood itself is seen here, in my prior posting.

A futuristic square Library Table that is thrown by a B.I.O.T.'s in the show.

 THis semi-=Mission styled chair was used in this scene here.

Here are a few 'tall-n-thin' bricks as props. These are from the Phantoms lair as you can see a Frank Lloyd Wright inspired Textile block in there too from the cave.

Project Review
The Phantom 2040
PART CXXI [121st]
Prop Design Sketches

Client: Hearst Animation Productions.
Art Director: Myself.
Project Date Spring 1993.

Today in my 121st Phantom 2040 posting, I am posting a few added props I designed for the series. 

I had a very unique position as the head Concept Artist, and as the shows Art Director, so I had a very free design process in that I approved my own designs for myself quite fast, so all I was left with was two reviews, one internal in LA, and one from the folks in NYC.  

This allowed me to complete a huge amount of work in a short time span and since we had a very low budget this was a lifesaver to get a good look for the show.

Today I showcase a few added props, some may look familiar as they are found in various backgrounds and other props I have designed and posted in the series. 

If you are a FAN of The Phantom 2040, and on FACEBOOK, there is a group for that....  here.

There is a TAG on the list to the RIGHT for other Phantom 2o4o entry's, but you can click this as well.

Cheers, THOM

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