
Monday, January 21, 2013

Project Review Hellraiser Pitch Materials 2008 PART IV Even More 3D Title Treatment Designs

 A double stacked 3D logo I did for the Hellraiser ideas, back is red glowing sub-surface material behind an aged brass.

 A visual theme for the films with the hooks on chains attempting to rip the logo apart[ for the AV side that was the intent as well as for a living one-sheet too]

 The 3D flayed Hellraiser logo has the outer metal skinned off to reveal the red center.

 I used a DarkTree procedural texture I wrote to displace this version out to be a pound of raw flesh.

 Red glass with the filigree elements taken from the Lamont Box I built here.

 A wood and brass version with the same metal applied to the letter form lower legs.

 Here is a shot with a wood logo edge lit to match a lit up Lamont Box comp here.

Project Review
Pitch Materials 2008 PART IV
Even More 3D Title Treatment Designs

Client: N/A we were pitching a re-boot
Art Director: Calvin Sumler.
Project Date: June 2008-November 2008.

This is my fourth posting in the series of work I performed for a pitch to re-boot the franchise for Hellraiser back in 2008. 
Today my post has a bit more than half a dozen added title treatment looks I created in 3D for the print and AV adverting for the pitch to bring back the film franchise back to life in 2008.

A fun design concept to work with, as it has an established history and iconic look with the main characters, and the Lamont box, so I tried to establish an updated but recognizable feel to all the titles I designed. 

A fun internal exercise for us that was never pitched, but I most thoroughly enjoyed to do.

You can view my first logo post here.
You can view the "Lamont " box I made here.
You can view PART III with more logos here.

Cheers, THOM

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